Thursday, June 4, 2009

Two Days and lovin it!

Yesterday was the perfect first day!  I got up early, did some unpacking, some cleaning, and some email in the morning.  In the afternoon I went to the store and bought all the things I had put on a list during the morning.  I barely  made it 'til 9:30, but I did make it so I got a fantastic night of sleep and now I'm on schedule!

Today, my second day in Thailand, was perfect as well!  We left GES kind of early and took a taxi down to a Thai orphanage.  There we were able to hold orphan babies.  They were so cute and there were so many babies.  It made me sad to see so many babies there, but they were being taken care of pretty well.  We discussed how Thai people rarely have abortions, so that is one reason there are so many orphans, so in a way I was happy to see so many babies.  They are all so precious and special and they just need a little extra attention.  I will probably be volunteering there and who knows, maybe one day I'll adopt from there :)  

After visiting the orphanage we made a stop by the massage place.  This is an organization to provide jobs for blind men.  So I had a blind man give me an amazing massage for an hour and a half and it only cost me about $6!  It was incredible!  But boy he worked out those knots and I'm still a little sore from it.

Afterwards we ate some delicious food and did some more shopping!  I've got a Thai phone now!  I finished off the day with my first baby-sitting gig!  I watched an adorable little red-head girl name Jaya.  Her parents are also teachers here at GES.  

As I've been exploring Thailand the last two days I've been enjoying the company of some of the teachers here.  Some of them are first year teachers like myself.  Others are doing the guiding and have been here for some years in the past.  It's so encouraging to be around people who love the Lord and who have a passion for people.  It reminds me of the verse I read out of Romans this morning, " that by God's will I may come to you with joy and together with you be refreshed." -Romans 15:32  Being around people with the same purpose and the same Savior is so refreshing!  I praise God that He has given me wonderful people who are making this transition easier and I praise Him because they are helping me to grow up more in Him!


  1. Danielle sent me a link to your blog. Look forward to keeping up with you and knowing how to pray for you.
    Delight in Him

  2. I need to visit this country...
    have I mentioned at all recently that I miss you? Well I do. A lot. Like seriously. A LOT. :)

  3. Jill I miss you soooooo much. I can't believe that you will be gone for a year. I will be praying for you, and I know that God has an amazing year planned out for you.
    Keep God first and He will do all the rest. I look forward to seeing what God continues to do in your life and the lives of all the many people he has planned for you to meet, as so many times you touch the lives of the people you meet, remember that seat partners don't stop once you get off the plane.

  4. In case you weren't aware, your mother and all of our aunts are plotting the immediate abduction of that child. Please refrain from posting any other steal-worthy children in the future.
    Thank you,
    Your Cousin Emily No Yes. :D

  5. There ARE so many babies and it IS fairly inexpensive comparatively to adopt from here.

