From sun-up to sun-down for the past week I've been working on getting my classroom set up and on lesson plans. There's never enough time in the day or enough energy in my body to get everything that needs to be done, done. Last night after spending the entire day setting up my classroom, I finally had to call it "good enough" and figure that God would take care of the rest and that my day would go fine.
3:00 am-Oh great! I ate something that didn't agree with me. After several trips to the bathroom and several prayers out to God that I would be well enough to make it to my first day of classes, I finally threw up (sorry if that grosses any of you out!) and felt oh so much better. Good enough to get a few more hours of sleep and to feel rested enough to make it to my first day in my OWN classroom!
God is so gracious! I had a lovely first day with my class! All of my students are well behaved and seem like they are going to be so much fun. I feel inadequate as a teacher sometimes, not sure what to do always, but my kids were just great the whole time! :)
By the time 2:00 (the end of school) rolled around my legs and feet were aching, my head was cloudy, I was hot and sweaty. Looking at the prep that needed to be done for the next day was overwhelming. And it's in these weak times that we miss home the most. I started thinking of all my friends and my family back home. I was down-right homesick! I miss you all!
A good nap helped to cure many of my problems! Tasks didn't look so daunting. My body felt rested and refreshed. But I still missed home :) I got what I needed to done and I feel ready for another day tomorrow!
This all may seem kind of random. I'm not complaining (although I do covet your prayers). I'm just realizing how amazing heaven is going to be! I long for that day. But I'm excited that it hasn't arrived yet, because I think that God has a group of 4th graders that he wants me to be a light to! How exciting!!!
"For my power is made perfect in your weakness".
Naps are amazing, no? Whenever I'm feeling angry or sad, or whatever, a nap usually seems to fix it. That and some good ol' CRANKIN' UP THE MUSIC!!!!