Tuesday, June 2, 2009

God Friends

As I said my teary goodbye's this morning, which seems like an eternity away now, my wonderful family said a prayer for me.  Out of every best wish, and safe travel prayer that was prayed, the one that stuck out most in my mind was the one said by my lovely sister-in-law.  "God, give Jill good seat companions to sit by."

Emotional from my farewells I hopped on the plane in Pasco on its out-of-the-way flight to Denver.  I didn't mind the detour because it meant I'd been able to sleep in my own bed the night before and it meant that Hayden and Emily were there along with my parents to see me off.  Leaving for a foreign country for then months had left me unusually emotional and weepy.  Feeling a need for some joy, I pulled out the special note Emily had given me to read on the plane.  Contrary to the feelings I thought this letter would produce, I began sobbing from the sincere, touching contents of the letter.  As tears streamed down my face and sniffles proceeded from my leaky nose, I'm sure the sweet middle-ages woman next to me thought I was crazy to be throwing such a fit just for going to Denver.  Whatever her thoughts though, she let me cry.  She gave me the space I needed to let it out and then to sleep it off.  She didn't way a word to me, which is exactly what I needed because by the time I arrived in Denver I was full of excitement for the journey that I was about to partake in!

Plane flight from Denver to San Francisco:  The inquisitive eyes were the first sign that I would like Dream.  She watched quietly as I shoved my duffle beg into the overhead compartment.  As soon as I sat we began in easy conversation.  We had lots to talk about.  She was heading home to Bangkok from being an exchange student in New Mexico.   How excited I was to be sitting next to someone who could calm one of my biggest fears-not knowing the Thai language.  She assured me that I would be able to get around speaking English and then she proceeded to help me with some Thai.  What a blessing that was!  Not only had she helped me to be excited about my trip again and taught me some Thai, but she had become friend #1 for my trip.

San Francisco to Tokyo.  "Hmmmm..."  I thought as I stowed away my luggage and sat down in my window seat, "That boy is quite good-looking!"  And when that same "good-looking" boy sat next to me, I was completely taken off guard.  I could barely blubber out the greeting, "Hey, how are you?" before I fell back into a silent stint.  Only when Collin (whose name I found out as we were landing after our 10 hour plane ride) asked me if Tokyo was my final destination and I found out that we had the same flights to Bangkok as well, did I find my voice again.  We compared stories.  His was one of excitement and adventure as he travels around Thailand on bicycle.  We had an enjoyable conversation and then he left to go sit with his friend who was sitting toward the back of the plane.  I might have been disappointed to lose his company if it hadn't been for the fact that his leaving cleared up the seat next to me and left the entire row entirely to me to stretch out in and enjoy.  I got a couple hours of much needed, sound sleep and enjoyed some time alone.  After landing, Collin allowed me to cut in line with him as we went through security.  As we walked to our next gate together I realized, I had made friend #2!

Friend #3 I have a good feeling will be the most special.  I knew this friend was going to come and was a little nervous that Shaellea, who was also going to be teaching at GES wouldn't be as nice as I hoped.  All my fears disintegrated when a cute blonde tapped on my shoulder and asked, "Jill?"  it didn't take much more before we were sharing stories and she was getting me excited by telling me all about life at GES.  If I have it my way, friend #3 and I will continue to be great friends!

Three friends!  That's quite a few to make in one day, but God wasn't quite done yet.  I wasn't expecting friend #4.  I already had three friends on the same flight with me to Bangkok.  I figured I'd go and chat with them, but apparently God wanted me to have one more.

I'd found my seat 41D.  I was sitting next to a middle aged man with his young son.  No big deal, we probably wouldn't talk much.  But he kept looking over at me expectantly.  Finally he came out with it, "My wife is sitting in the row ahead, is there a chance you could switch her spots so she can be with our son?"  That's how I ended up next to Tim-a sweet Thai man who is 29 but looks 20.  45 minutes into our conversation as we were talking about painful ways to die, Tim pointed out that we were getting pretty deep for having just met.  At this point he officially declared us friends since only friends would talk like this.  BINGO!  I'd found friend #4!

To some, these plane encounters may not be a big deal, but for someone as people-driven as I am, the meant the world!  They totally lifted my spirits!  Hopefully I had a chance to shine Christ to them!  God knew exactly what and who I needed and when Emily prayed that prayer for me to have good seat partners, God had already planned it all out perfectly.

One day!  Four friends!  I have a feeling this is just the beginning!  What friends is God going to put into my life tomorrow?


  1. Yay Jill! I'm so glad that your plane rides went well. I'm looking forward to reading more of your adventures and what God is doing in your life!

  2. P.S. Love the new background for your blog!

  3. Whoa, a man from the middle ages?! Was he wearing a chain mail armor, and telling stories of the Crusades?

  4. Your ability to make friends so easily is amazing. And also that your desire to work is greater than your desire to spend all your money on vending machines in Tokyo O.o;
    I love you ^^

